SURE-LINE™ is a conventional heavy bodied lead free latex marking paint available in standard white and yellow. It has excellent resistance to weather, water, oil, grease solvents and chemicals. It possesses high visibility, quick dry time, good hide and is extremely durable.
1 Gallon
5 Gallon
55 Gallon
SURE-LINE™ waterborne traffic paint has been specially developed for use over emulsified coal tar type applications where conventional solvent based paints may cause the surface to crack, chip and peel.
SURE-LINE™ is ideal for painting center lines and zone markings on highways, crosswalks, roadways, airfields, parking lots, traffic aisles, safety markings, tennis courts and warehouses. It has been designed for use on asphalt, concrete, brick and coal tar emulsions.
Thoroughly mix before using. Do not apply at temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. SURE-LINE™ Traffic Marking Paint is ready to use. Do not thin. SURE-LINE™ can be used for brush, roller or spray applications and with conventional pavement marking equipment. Do not apply when paint will be exposed to rain or heavy dew within 4 to 8 hours.
Clean Up: After application, clean equipment promptly with water, then flush with a solvent to prevent rusting. Follow solvent supplier’s information for safety precautions.
Data Sheet - SURE-LINE™ Acrylic Safety Traffic Marking Paint Datasheet